Eröffnung der fotografischen Ausstellung „Auf den Spuren der Donaudeutschen in der Vojvodina“ am 04. Okt. 2018 um 18:00 Uhr im Apatiner Kulturheim.

Bericht von Guido Stein

Kirchweihtreffen und Totengedenken 2018

PDF-Dokument [906.5 KB]

The annual Meeting of members on 15-th of April 2018, in the "Haus der Donauschwaben" in Sindelfingen.


Please see the German site

February 2018




We would like to create two traditional costumes of the Apatin Muttergottesmadle and to include one in the house of the Danube Swabians in Sindelfingen in the local exhibition.

A second costume is supposed to be exhibited in the Adam Berenz house in Apatin. We are looking for detailed information / patterns / pictures for the traditional costume of the Apatiner Muttergottesmadle


Please send your information to us.