On this site we will be point out changes/corrections of former entries - and the very latest news. So you need not flick through all the sites.

As to Reports 2024


Agatha Schwartz: “Narrating the Danube Swabian Identity and Experience from Women's Perspective: Gendered Memories of a Culture in Transition”

As to Reports 2024


Report Meeting of Members 2024

As to the Reports 2023


Report on the fair celebration on Saturday the 16th Sep 2023

As to Reports 2023


Award for Boris Mašić

As to Reports 2022


Report on the fair celebration on Saturday the 17th Sep 2022

As to Reports 2022


Report on the Danube ship trip 2022

As to Dates 2022


Invitation to the Apatin church consecration meeting

As to Literature - about Apatin dialect


A story by Michael Beissmann, jr.

As to Reports 2022


Report Meeting of Members 2022

As to the Literature - about Apatin


Anton Flamm, Apatin - Two stolen years. Years which you never forget.

As to the Literarure - about Apatin


Paul Abraham - biography

To the About us - pdf (2021)


Alternative payment (Please note, we are a non-profit and charitable German organization):- By PayPal to Apatiner.Gemeinschaft@gmx.de

To the Literature - about Danube Swabians


New pulication, Book by Petar Mijatović

At the Reports


Apatiner Kirchweihtreffen and the annual Meeting of members - 2020

As to the Literature - about Danube Swabians


First and second Book